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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Mr Meles Zenawi & Mr Kofi Anan: Leaders with Common Vision for the Future?

The Vision?

"First came decolonization, the struggle against apartheid and the first attempt at nationbuilding.Then came a disappointing second wave, too often marked by civil wars and the tyranny of military or one-party rule; by economic stagnation as a result of corruption, weak governance, inadequate regulatory systems, state-sanctioned theft, and unchecked external interference....

"And I believe Africa is close to establishing a norm that will make it no more legitimate to cling to power by unconstitutional means than it is to come to power by them, and which will rule out ad hoc constitutional amendments to prolong the power of a particular ruler."

Kofi Annan, Banjul, July 1, 2006

"Yes, Yes, I agree! But it is also more than that. And I, Meles Zenawi, believe Africa is close to establishing a norm that will make it more legitimate to cling to power by unconstitutional means. I would also like to note that the end justifies the means and therefore is legitimate to make ad hoc constitutional amendments to protect and prolong the power of the government since it is a sign of stability and the bearer of democracy."

Mr Meles Zenawi, Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Aduwa, May 2005

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Ergaa Qe'ee

Ha naa dhufu
Fuulli kun bakka dhimma Oromia fi Oromummaa irratti haala bilisa taheen yaada wal jijjirruu fi marihanuu dha. Yaada gorsaas tahee yaddoo dhibdee Oromia fi Oromummaa irratti qabdu kabajaan simannee siif keessumsiifna. Irra caalaa garuu dandeettii afaan Oromoo barreessuu horachuuf toora kanaan yaada wal-jijjiruu kan fedhu hundaaf ulaa banuun fedha. Ani gama kiyyaan hiree kanatti dhimma bahuun qabxiilee Oromia fi Oromummaa irratti rarra’an irratti tokko lama jechuuun fedha. Akeeki koos, orma caala hubannaa fi ejjennaa tan mata koo of –qoruu fedheen. Ormis utuu akkas yaalee, fuula kana akkasumas marsaalee Oromoo biro bilchinaa fi ogummaan dhimma itii baane humnaa fi qabeenya (yeroo fi dandeettii dabalatee) waan biyyaaf faayidaa qabu tokkorra oolchuu dandeenya jedheen yaada. Kanaafuu, ofirraa eegaluu kooti. Harraa eegalee, barruu adda addaan fuula kanarratti dhiheessuu yaala.

Barruuleen dhuhaachuu malan qabxii adda addaa irratti kan xiyyeeffatan yeroo tahu, waliigalatti afaan Oromoo akka diriirfatuuf gahee akka nam-tokketti bahuun narra jirun raawwachuuf carraqa.

Tole, yeroo kee fudhattee hanga kana fuula kana doowwachuu keef hedduu galatoom. Yaada qabdus asumaan yoo lafa nuuf keessa galatni kee walabummaa dha jednna.

Alamu. Yaad karaa Oromia2008@gmail.com naa erguu dandeessa